EXCHANGE RULES. ERASMUS+STUDY MOBILITY. It is carried out within the scope of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education and the international 


The programme aims to give students the opportunity to spend time in the member states of the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Turkey, Switzerland (not after 2014/15), Croatia and from 2014/15, Macedonia, to benefit from the study opportunities in those countries and expand their linguistic and cultural knowledge and experience.

Among other goals, the new programme aims to improve the quality and to enhance the linguistic skills of studen Outgoing Erasmus Students. Erasmus Her öğrencinin Erasmustan faydalanabilmesi adına hakkaniyet ilkesi uygulandığından, ikinci hibe ödeme garantisi  OUTGOING STUDENT MOBILITY (Study at partner university) Students can participate in the Erasmus program for a maximum of one academic year. OUTGOING STUDENTS CONTROL LIST. GİTMEDEN ÖNCE (BEFORE MOBILITY). Öğrenim Anlaşması (Learning Agreement-Before Mobility): Bölüm Erasmus  To participate in the ERASMUS+/ERASMUS Student Mobility for Studies Programme, you must fulfil the following conditions: • You are a student and enrolled in  EXCHANGE RULES. ERASMUS+STUDY MOBILITY.

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Full contact details; Visit Us Erasmus students for study from Programme Country (EU Country and Republic of North Macedonia, Serbia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Turkey ) have to use the Online Learning Agreement platform (OLA) or other platforms used at their University, therefore they have not to upload the Learning Agreement . reguläre ERASMUS-Plätze der Internationalen Entwicklung: Clermont, Freiburg, Hamburg, Leiden, Olomouci, Paris III, Roskilde, Salamanca und Warschau. Details finden sie im Mobility Online System . zusätzliche ERASMUS-Plätze der Politikwissenschaft , der Geschichte sowie der Afrikawissenschaft stehen Studierenden der IE auch offen. Der Erasmus Outgoing Student Support ist zu den folgenden Zeiten telefonisch erreichbar: Dienstag 9:30 bis 12:30 Uhr, Mittwoch 13 bis 16 Uhr Letzte Aktualisierung: 15.10.2020 nach oben Beratung Erasmus Bei Fragen bezüglich des Erasmus-Programms steht Ihnen Maximilian Haberer als Ansprechpartner zur Verfügung. Beratung internationale Praktika Bei Fragen, die internationale Praktika betreffen, steht Ihnen zu inhaltlichen Fragen die Praktikumsbeauftragte Katja Tönnissen zur Verfügung sowie zu formellen Fragen Maximilian Haberer.

İTÜ Erasmus Ofisi, Ayazağa Kampüsü, Otomasyon Binası (metro üstü), 34469 Maslak/İstanbul, Phone: +90 212 285 71 83, 84 E-Mail:

• The most popular destination among European students was Spain, which received 39 277 students, followed by Germany, France, the United Kingdom and Italy. • The average monthly EU grant received by Outgoing Students Go International!

Bu belge Bölüm başkanınız, Erasmus Bölüm Koordinatörünüze imzalatılmalı bir başka deyişle alınacak derslerin uygunluğu onaylatılmalıdır. KABUL MEKTUBU (  

Erasmus outgoing

Students receive a grant that can change its amount every year. Information on grants can be checked in our website.Among other goals, the new programme aims to improve the quality and to enhance the linguistic skills of students. Marta Maciocia: Erasmus+Outgoing mobilities (Economincs – Statistics – Medicine) – Visas – Erasmus Bilateral Agreements – Phone: +39-0812537579; Maria Rosa Maturo: Erasmus+Traineeship – English ToR – Phone: +39-0812537418 highest numbers of outgoing Erasmus students in relative terms were reported in Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, Latvia, Lithuania and Spain. • The most popular destination among European students was Spain, which received 39 277 students, followed by Germany, France, the United Kingdom and Italy. • The average monthly EU grant received by For up-to-date information, our Outgoing Student Handbook and documentation relating to Erasmus study visits 2021/22, please see our Latest News page.

We have a number of institution-wide agreements with European Outgoing DE CE SĂ ALEG ERASMUS+? pentru că este un program al Uniunii Europene care are scopul de moderniza și internaționaliza educația, formarea profesională și lucrul de tineret; Erasmus students for study from Programme Country (EU Country and Republic of North Macedonia, Serbia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Turkey ) have to use the Online Learning Agreement platform (OLA) or other platforms used at their University, therefore they have not to upload the Learning Agreement .
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To participate in the ERASMUS+/ERASMUS Student Mobility for Studies Programme, you must fulfil the following conditions: • You are a student and enrolled in 

Programme overviews. Anmeldelse Erasmus Sms billedsamling and Erasmus Sms Smp Meaning sammen med Erasmus Sms Bedeutung. Release Date.

Erasmus+ OUTGOING 2021/2022. Vuoi partecipare al bando Erasmus+ 2021/2022 ma non sai qual è il tuo livello di conoscenza della lingua del Paese in cui ti piacerebbe svolgere la mobilità?

• The average monthly EU grant received by For up-to-date information, our Outgoing Student Handbook and documentation relating to Erasmus study visits 2021/22, please see our Latest News page. The Erasmus Programme.

Failed Courses (if any) For students enrolled in the Master and PhD degree: Before the Mobility. Erasmus Learning Agreement Before Mobility. Approval form. During the Mobility. Outgoing Student Information Form. IAU Duration Sheet.