4 oktober 2017 sålde Dolphin Drilling till kurs 11,85 NOK. Handla Gilla (0) 11 augusti 2017 sålde Norwegian Air Shuttle till kurs 172,80 NOK. Handla Gilla (0) 


The work between Dolphin Drilling and Wellesley Petroleum is scheduled to begin on the Norwegian Continental Shelf in August 2020, the drilling contractor said on Wednesday. Bjørnar Iversen, CEO of Dolphin Drilling, said: “This agreement further strengthens our operational backlog in Norway and builds on the resurgence of Dolphin.

Dolphin said the DNO contract added to its strategic intent of building a significant presence in Norway, following the announcement of another NCS contract with Wellesley Petroleum AS earlier this year. DNO Norge has received the consent to use the Borgland Dolphin semi-submersible drilling rig for a permanent plugging of wells on the Oselvar field offshore Norway. Consent from the Norwegian offshore safety watchdog, the Petroleum Safety Authority (PSA), allows DNO Norge to permanently plug wells A-1 H, A-2 H, and A-3 HT2 on the offshore field. Dolphin Drilling Ltd., a subsidiary of Dolphin Drilling ASA, has entered into a LOI with i3 Energy for a three-well appraisal and development drilling programme in the UK North Sea, using the semi-submersible drilling rig Blackford Dolphin or Borgland Dolphin. The program is scheduled to commence June 2019, and is estimated to 94 days. Dolphin Drilling said it has secured a contract with AS Norske Shell in Norway for its Borgland Dolphin semi-submersible drilling rig to support the drilling and completion of a gas producer well on the Knarr field starting in early 2020.

Dolphin drilling norway

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We’re the industry pioneers, with the first-hand experience, expertise and no-nonsense approach to turn a project into a clever operation. DNO Norge has received the consent to use the Borgland Dolphin semi-submersible drilling rig for a permanent plugging of wells on the Oselvar field offshore Norway. Consent from the Norwegian offshore safety watchdog, the Petroleum Safety Authority (PSA), allows DNO Norge to permanently plug wells A-1 H, A-2 H, and A-3 HT2 on the offshore field. Offshore staff. ABERDEEN, UK – Wellesley Petroleum AS has contracted Dolphin Drilling for one well plus one optional well on the Norwegian continental shelf..

Dolphin Drilling Holdings Limited is an offshore drilling rig company headquartered in Aberdeen, Scotland, United Kingdom with its main subsidiary Dolphin Drilling AS located in Sandnes, Norway. Until 2019, Dolphin Drilling had its headquarters in Oslo, Norway. The company offers services for the offshore industry within offshore drilling.

Offshore drilling består av en ägarandel på 51,9 % i Fred Olsen Energy Ganger Rolfs dotterbolag Universal Foundation Norway som enligt egen with this termination, Chevron North Sea Limited and Dolphin Drilling Ltd. Norwegian Air Shuttle. Awilco Lng AS. Opera Software. Sevan Drilling.

Oct 15, 2019 Dolphin Drilling · Project Procurement Manager Jobs in Oslo, Norway. We have an open position as: Commodity Team Leader / Project 

Dolphin drilling norway

31. 3.2. Pile driving as a sound Left: Pile driving of a port structure in Ålseund, Norway (Photo: Mathias species of marine mammals: bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) and.

2020-04-28 Norway Phone: +4751694300 UK Dolphin Drilling Ltd. Howe Moss Drive Kirkhill Industrial Estate ABERDEEN, UK – DNO Norge AS has contracted Dolphin Drilling ’s semisubmersible Borgland Dolphin for four wells on the Norwegian continental shelf. The contract includes one exploration well and P&A activity on three wells. The initial program of work is expected to start in 1Q 2021 for an estimated five months. Dolphin Drilling gets new rig job in Norway. Offshore drilling contractor Dolphin Drilling has secured a new combined contract with Norwegian oil and gas operator DNO Norge.
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Dolphin drilling norway

drilling contractors operating globally with units in Norway, the UK, Brazil and Mozambique. Fred. Olsen Energy ASA (the Company) is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange and provides exploration and production services to the offshore oil and gas  News feed of Dolphin Drilling. 2019-06-17 07:45:04 DDASA: Drilling contract for Borgland Dolphin in Norway +36,28% | 2,76 MNOK.

The company’s offshore activities, which are controlled from offices in Scotland, Norway DOLPHIN DRILLING LIMITED - Free company information from Companies House including registered office address, filing history, accounts, annual return, officers, charges, business activity Dolphin Drilling är verksamma inom olje- och gasindustrin. Idag tillhandahåller bolaget tjänster inom oljeborrning på global nivå. Bolagets äger och förvaltar över flera borrningsriggar och verksamheten är huvudsakligen inriktad mot borrning på MW (Midwater) samt UDW nivå (Ultra Deep Water).
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Dolphin Drilling is a leading harsh environment drilling contractor for the offshore oil and gas industry with three ready-to-drill moored semi-submersible platforms. Board and Executives

Dolphin Drilling eyes 3-well campaign in Norway. Dolphin Drilling has secured a letter of intent with a Norwegian operator for a three-well P&A o Categories: Business & Finance. Posted: 6 months ago.

to carry out the measures related to the cessation of illegal drilling, irrigation, cooperation between 17 Norwegian counties in the organisation Legemiddel of the tissues in the air sac, for example, behind whales' and dolphins' brains.

30 likes. Dolphin Drilling is a leading harsh environment drilling contractor for the offshore oil and gas Dolphin Drilling är verksamma inom olje- och gasindustrin. Idag tillhandahåller bolaget tjänster inom oljeborrning på global nivå. Bolagets äger och förvaltar över flera borrningsriggar och verksamheten är huvudsakligen inriktad mot borrning på MW (Midwater) samt UDW nivå (Ultra Deep Water).

The Blackford Dolphin, built in Norway in 1974 is currently being prepared for the journey from the North Sea to Mexico ahead of the start of operations in October. Bjørnar Iversen, CEO of Dolphin Drilling, said: “Our ability to mobilize the asset quickly and our excellent operational and safety performance were key to us winning the contract. INEOS Energy has chartered Dolphin Drilling's semi-submersible drilling rig Borgland Dolphin to drill its first operated well offshore Norway.The work is slated to begin during the third quarter of 2021 and includes drilling of the Fat Canyon well in the Norwegian Sea with an estimated duration of 40 days.